We always hear about how time flies.
And usually, time does have a tendency to go by so quickly that we blink and it seems 10 years have somehow gone by.
But every once in a while, life puts us through something that feels like it lasts forever. Sometimes, parts of life can seemingly drag on and on. And on.
The thing is, those parts of our life, when looked back on, will also seem to have flown by.
In retrospect, every segment that life naturally breaks down into - childhood, middle school and high school's awkward years, college, that first job and big move, and so on - don't seem to last long.
A flash and they're gone.
So often though, we spend that time waiting for the next phase. Already mentally, impatiently, moving on to that next big thing.
Why do we always have a tendency to be somehow less than satisfied with the now - instead ready and waiting for what's next?
Maybe instead, we can appreciate all situations - the good, the bad, the ugly, even the so-hideous-let's-not-even-bring-it-up.
Because no matter how bad it was, it was likely good for us. Exactly what we needed, even - although it didn't feel like it at the time.
And no matter the current situation, let's embrace it; experience the situation for what it is.
Whatever we are meant to learn in the experience - however you are supposed to be affected from this experience - let it happen.
Be open to it and let it in.
It will make you the person you are meant to be. It'll strengthen you, quiet you, prepare your heart and mind for the next phase of your journey - whatever that may be.
Don't rush through the now, shrugging away its importance. That will only take away from what you get out of it.
Be patient - this phase will both crawl by and fly by, simultaneously. No matter what it is, it can somehow be amazing, lonely, fulfilling, terrifying, sad, loud, happy, quiet - all in one.
Let it be. Exist in it. Soak it in. Truly experience it. Your life will never again be exactly as it is now, so just let it be the way it is right now.
Let it change you and make you better.
There is a purpose to this part - and every part - of life. See it through.
Find out what the meaning is in all this, or don't. But know that it does have meaning. And let that meaning take affect in you.
Be fully in the here and now, because it won't always be this way.
It'll change before we know it. It always does.
Because time really does fly by, no matter if it feels like it in the moment or not.