Thursday, October 22, 2015


Do you ever get that feeling - of being anxious for what's to come? You feel the nervous jitters in your stomach, those butterflies bouncing back and forth.

You think maybe it's partially dread, because change is hard to adjust to and accept. But maybe beneath that...way below the surface somewhere... Maybe there's hope.

Hope of what's to come. Hope for a new tomorrow. Hope for change, for something new.

Hope for what you've never experienced before.

Hope for something that will alter the course of your life as you know it.

Hope for a rattling in your very core. A brewing of something...different. Something amazing.

Maybe it's the changing seasons... Maybe it's the changing leaves, or maybe, just maybe, it's a change of heart.

Maybe there's a change that's been beneath the surface for quite some time, waiting to be freed. Maybe that change has been building up for a while now, and it's time to let it out.

Maybe it's something more than you can understand.

Maybe it's not what you expected.

Maybe it's part of a greater plan and timing.

Maybe it's something bigger than you.

Maybe it's something you haven't been brave enough for, prepared enough for, before now.

Maybe it's something that will work out in the right time.

Maybe it's something that you need to let go of, finally, now.

Do you have what it takes to give in to that change? To allow it to alter your journey, your path?

Maybe the real question is... Do I?

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